Exciting year ahead for members of the NHS Benchmarking Network!

Click on the image to view and download the NHSBN 2025/26 Member Work Programme.

The NHS Benchmarking Network are thrilled to announce details of the 2025/26 benchmarking programme available to member organisations.

Our revised vision is ‘to enable members to improve patient outcomes, raise health standards and deliver sustainable, quality health and care services through data excellence, benchmarking and the sharing of innovation.’ 

We aim to do that by continuing to do what we do best, providing a benchmarking service that complements and fills a gap in national data and insight, facilitating service improvement activity leading to improved patient outcomes. 

We are continuing our annual cycle of data collections, alongside utilising national data sources to provide benchmarked insight with less data burden. We will also be providing a focused view on productivity and health inequalities to support members to understand their position in these priority areas. 

In collaboration with our reference and steering groups we will be adapting our benchmarking collections in the following ways:

  • Managing Frailty – we will expand the scope of the Managing Frailty project from solely an acute setting, to in a bed-based setting to capture activity in the community. 

  • Adult/All-Age Community Services – we will benchmark the community therapy services benchmarked in the 2024 Adult Therapies project in a new Adult/All-Age Community Services project. We will also benchmark Community Cardiac and Community Respiratory services in this project, which haven’t been benchmarked since 2022.  

  • Children’s Community Services – we will combine children’s community services benchmarked in 2024 to offer a Children’s Community Services project benchmarking; Health Visiting, School Nursing, Children’s Community Nursing and four children’s community therapy services; Dietetics, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech & Language Therapy.

  • Pharmacy – scoping the inclusion of Mental Health and Community Pharmacy provision in the project. This is being feasibility tested with members to ensure effectiveness and minimising the impact on the established Acute Pharmacy participation.

  • Other projects – based on feedback and member engagement the other annual projects scope and specifications will be reviewed and updated to maximise usefulness for members. E.g., plans to include additional questions around provision for neurodiversity teams in the Adult’s and Older People’s Mental Health and Children and Young People’s Mental Health Projects, continuing to develop the Type 3 data collection for the Emergency Care project and introducing a staff survey to the Intermediate Care project.

More detail on the timescales for our collections is available to view and download here. All projects will be opening for registration in March, enabling you to prepare early and maximise the value. 

However, there is so much more to membership than the data collection projects! Membership also gives you the opportunity to network with other like-minded individuals and organisations and we will be offering more ways to do this during 2025/26.

Click on the image to register your attendance for the webinar.

Join us for the member programme launch webinar
To kick off the new membership year, we invite you to join our launch webinar on Thursday, 20th March, 09:00 – 10:30am via MS Teams. This event will outline next year’s projects and help you prepare to maximise your membership in the year ahead. 
Please click here to register to attend the event.

2025/26 membership renewals 
Next week, we will email membership renewal letters to membership lead contacts. This letter will cover the steps for membership renewals to secure continued access for 2025/26. If you have any questions about the renewal process, please reach out.  

2024/25 member survey 
Thank you to our members for their continued support to the NHS Benchmarking Network. We’d love to hear your feedback on this year’s member programme. Your insights are invaluable in shaping our future initiatives. Members can access this year’s survey via a pop up upon logging in to the members’ area.  


Access update to our show codes feature!


A Day of Teamwork, Learning, and Festive Cheer