Member Work Programme

The Network’s member work programme comprises of a wide range of benchmarking projects on topics covering but not limited to: Pharmacy, Outpatients, Virtual Wards, Children and Young People’s and Adult & Older People’s Mental Health. Members can look forward to engaging projects, interactive events and insightful data aimed at addressing key challenges and delivering opportunities across all sectors of the NHS. The member work programme is approved by the Network Steering Group following extensive consultations with the sector based Reference Groups and with members on the topics to be included in the programme.

To download the 2025/26 member work programme timetable, click here.

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Our sectors are split into:

Every member project produces: a benchmarking findings event, benchmarking project report, an online toolkit and a range of outputs including case studies.

Insight members receive engagement sessions, improvement opportunity reports, dedicated Network support and support packages which cover data quality, data interpretation and utilisation of data.

acute Acute Sector

The NHS Benchmarking Network reports relating to acute services are focused on a select number of vital projects. These projects have been nominated by members and are based on national policy and key areas of interest.

The acute projects provide information that is unique to NHS Benchmarking Network members and are highly valued by members as they provide insight that is unavailable from national data sources alone.

Community Sector

Community health services cover a wide range of services and provide care for people from birth to the end of their life. Community health teams play a vital role in supporting people with complex health and care needs to live independently in their own home for as long as possible. Services are mainly delivered in people’s homes (this includes care homes) but also in community hospitals, intermediate care facilities, clinics and schools. This sector may be of interest to organisations involved in district nursing, intermediate care, community therapies and community nursing.

acute&community Acute and Community Sector

The NHS Benchmarking Network delivers projects which relate to services that could be delivered by either an acute or community sector organisation. These projects have been nominated by members and are based on national policy and key areas of interest.

mental health Mental Health, Learning Disabilities & Autism Services (MHLDA) Sector

With one in four adults and one in 10 children experiencing mental illness, projects in this sector will help organisations benchmark services and inform strategic change within their organisation. This sector may be of interest to organisations involved in adult, children and young people’s mental health, learning disabilities and autism.

ICB ICS Sector

The ICS Sector has emerged from the Commissioning Sector in which most of the membership comprised of Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and NHSE. NHSE and Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) have continued to support the NHS Benchmarking Network and whilst not submitting data at this time, are a vital part of the delivery of health and social care services in England and gain value from benchmarking NHSBN projects.

Membership is focused on collaboration and working across systems for improvements in population health, outcomes, and quality improvement as well as support for cost improvement and improved productivity. NHSE, ICBs and other Systems partners are members of the NHSBN community and can access provider projects reports via data sharing arrangements.

Access to the National Indicators dataset enables reduced demand on informatics and BI teams of our members, minimising the time it takes to access national data and use within Board dashboards and reports.