Keep up-to-date with the latest NHS Benchmarking Network developments and news!
On this page you will find NHSBN wide and member programme news. For news from our other programmes, please follow the links below:
Below are our latest NHSBN wide newsletters. To join our mailing list, please contact us.
The way we share data is changing
We are led by our members, and we listen to your requests and respond to your needs. Following feedback, we are pleased to announce that we will be updating our Terms of Membership, effective...
We are led by our members, and we listen to your requests and respond to your needs. Following feedback, we are pleased to announce that we will be updating our Terms of Membership, effective from September 2023.
We will be making member identifier codes available within the Network. This change is being introduced at the request of members and has been ratified by Member Reference Groups and the Network Steering Group. The key detail for this change can be found in Clause 14 on our updated Terms of Membership.
The Terms of Membership are a key document that explains how your organisation's membership with the NHS Benchmarking Network is managed. It also explains the legal relationship between the parties involved in delivering the Network across health and social care.
For a summary of the updates we have made, please click here.
Update from 29th August 2023:
Member organisation CEOs and Product (membership) Leads have been contacted with next steps and to confirm if their organisation is opting-in to data sharing. As of 29th August, 93% of respondents have opted-in to the sharing of data.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with the Network Support Team.
The 2022/23 Work Programme Report is now available!
We are delighted to publish the NHS Benchmarking Network 2022/23 Work Programme Report, providing a review of the NHSBN achievements in the 2022/23 membership year. Highlights include…
We are delighted to publish the NHS Benchmarking Network 2022/23 Work Programme Report, providing a review of the NHSBN achievements in the 2022/23 membership year.
Highlights include:
Integrated health and care benchmarking has been a key element in 22/23. With cross sector benchmarking available in Intermediate Care, Emergency Care and Managing Frailty in the Acute Setting projects.
Membership coverage expanded to include all Scottish Health Boards.
Delivery of an insightful core work programme with 550,000 data points received from members
An enhanced membership offer was created to support members in asking and answering the ‘so-what’ question.
The National Audit work programme continued successfully across the 3 audits: CVDPREVENT, National Audit of Care at the End of Life (NACEL) and NHS England Learning Disabilities Improvement Standards.
For the first time we opened up opportunities for members to share identities and data using a data sharing Memorandum of Understanding.
The report includes information on what’s to come in the 2023/24 cycle, including 3 brand new projects! We hope you enjoy reading the report. Please share and feel free to get in touch if you have something you would like to discuss.
In case you missed it - you’ll see our refreshed logo and branding within the report. These were updated earlier this month to better align with our Vision and Values. Find out more from our recent news piece here.
Unveiling our New Logo: A Fresh New Look
A few years on from celebrating our 25th year of supporting the NHS with benchmarking services, it’s time for a change. We’re pleased to share the refreshed, but still recognisable emblem! Find out…
A few years on from celebrating our 25th year of supporting the NHS with benchmarking services, it’s time for a change. We’re pleased to share the refreshed, but still recognisable emblem!
In 2021, we celebrated our 25th year of being a trusted partner of the NHS, providing the in-house benchmarking service to our national membership. This warranted the addition of a silver surround to our logo! But, it’s been two years since, and to keep current, accurate and relevant, we are refreshing the branding to align with our recently updated Values.
The circular quadrant is well-established and highly recognised within the field of healthcare analytics and service improvement. We have worked hard to embed awareness of the Network into your working practices and executive discussions, so the quadrant emblem has been simultaneously and considerately retained and modernised.
The subtle difference comes with the illustration of the colour wheel, representing the four sectors we benchmark (Acute, Community, Mental Health, and ICS (previously Commissioning)). These have been brought up to date with clean lines to match the colour wave design introduced last year. In addition, our Values (Excellence, Respect, Integrity) have been assimilated into the logo, a welcomed suggestion guided by our Steering Group. Now an integral part of our logo and a clear reminder of what we stand for daily.
You may notice a few changes over the coming weeks as we bring the logo into effect, but this won’t impact you and the outputs or service you receive. Throughout April, we will be updating our website and the members’ area, bringing our reports and outputs in line with the new branding, and changing our social media platforms too. It’s a big job behind the scenes, but an important development to align our imagery with our values. We hope you like the new look!